
Bulgarian Turks

Thank you for your coverage (Part I, Sept. 4) of the plight of ethnic Turks who are being expelled from Bulgaria. The campaign by the repressive Bulgarian authorities to forcefully eliminate the ethnic identity of the Turkish minority is an affront to humanity. The communist dictatorship of Bulgaria has found an easy way to expropriate its citizenry: drive them across the border and leave everything behind.

The more than 300,000 ethnic Turks who have come to Turkey so far represent the largest political refugee population in Europe since World War II. That the Turkish government has closed its doors temporarily, to negotiate an orderly migration with the Bulgarians, is no surprise, given the limited resources of Turkey.

We in the Western world can simply shake our heads in disbelief and go on with our lives. Or, we can help lessen the agony of the refugees by supporting a humanitarian aid campaign. Those who wish to contribute can send their checks or money orders to ATA-SC Refugee Fund, P.O. Box 18200, Irvine 92713.



American-Turkish Association

of Southern California

