
Long Beach : Hotel, Apartment Buildings Granted Landmark Status

Four more buildings have been added to the list of Long Beach historical landmarks.

The City Council this week approved landmark status for the Californian Apartments, 325 W. 3rd St., the Crest Apartments, 321 Chestnut St., and the Blackstone Hotel and the Sovereign Apartments on West Ocean Boulevard.

All four buildings were constructed in the early 1920s, during the city’s first wave of apartment construction. The Californian and the Sovereign were “own your own” apartments, preceding the condominium movement in Southern California by several decades.

The five-story Californian was selected partly because of facade design, which adapts Beaux-Arts classicism. The Crest Apartments, a two-story brick faced apartment house with a flat roof, is rich in architectural ornamentation, including miniature iron balconies and pilasters.


The Blackstone, of Renaissance Revival design, is next to the Sovereign, whose eclectic architecture also has Renaissance Revival themes.
