
Beverly Hills : New Schools Budget OKd

The Beverly Hills Board of Education on Tuesday approved a $28.3-million budget for the 1989-90 school year, about $389,000 more than last year.

The budget, which will not affect property taxes, will leave reserves of about $1.3 million. The largest expenditures include $18.9 million for salaries, including $14.9 million for teachers, $4.4 million for fringe benefits, $2 million for utilities and operating expenses, and $1 million for books and supplies.

Most of the district’s revenue comes from the state. About $5.7 million comes from local sources, including $4.6 million from the city of Beverly Hills and income from oil wells at Beverly Hills High School.


The budget is based on current salaries, although the district has not completed salary negotiations for the year. Each 1% of salary increase will cost nearly $200,000, said Don Fox, assistant superintendent for financial and business services. If increases are negotiated, the district will have to use reserves or cut other expenditures, he said.

The district and the teachers union are using a state mediator after they failed to agree on wages and benefits for the third year of a three-year contract. The district is offering to increase the teachers’ 1989-90 salary 3.05% and to continue the contract another year with a 5% increase for 1990-91.

The Beverly Hills Education Assn. is proposing an 11% raise for 1989-90, or a 20% increase over two years.


Generally, custodians, administrators and other employees get the same percentage salary increase that teachers get, Fox said.

The next mediation session has been scheduled for Sept. 21.
