
Notion of Smokeless Flights Lights Up Air Passengers

Smokers and nonsmokers alike passing through Orange County’s John Wayne Airport reacted favorably Thursday to the Senate’s decision to bar smoking on domestic flights. Some smokers even expressed hope that it would help them cut down on nicotine.

Smoking “is a nasty habit that some of us have unfortunately succumbed to,” said Garrett Williams, 47, a Las Vegas resident who said he has smoked cigarettes for 30 years. “If it’s a law, it’s a law. We’ll adjust. Maybe it will help me quit.”

Debbie Marrs-Mill, 23, of El Toro agreed with the ban, mentioning the health risks for flight attendants and frequent travelers exposed to secondhand smoke in airliners.


“Someone who smokes should be able to give it up for one flight,” she said. “I understand smokers’ rights, but it’s just a consideration. You can’t go outside and get fresh air.”

Not all travelers welcomed the ban, however. Carl Freddy said he is “furious” about it.

“I feel very strongly about this,” said the 53-year-old Laguna Beach man, who has tried many programs, even hypnosis, to kick his 30-year habit.

“I try to be a considerate smoker, and I don’t think the people who holler ‘Yea, no smoking!’ are being considerate. I’m going to be having withdrawal symptoms, and I’m going to be hurting.”
