
Teen-Age Volunteers Win Scholarships, Certificates in Fullerton Program

Twenty-seven Fullerton teen-agers have received cash scholarships and certificates from Fullerton for their participation in the city’s summer volunteer work program.

Awards ranging from $185 to $325 were given to Yogesh Shroff, Scott Denton, Christine Campbell, Jeremy Campbell, Cassandra Arnold, Bianca Loverde, Jennifer Richey, Lei Han, Dave Wallace, Shannon Armstrong, Shannon Eddleman, Ben Lowsen, Ed Shin, Paul Dow, Erica Yohe, Parsis Shroff, Dijana Dow, Chris Nishi, Diane Garcia, Rachel Barrera, Julian Nishi, Kristin Atkinson, Steve Sumner and Bryan MacFarland.

Certificates of participation went to Tommy Chang, Michelle Ligao and Calvin Liu.

Jonathon Anderson, 16, a junior at Brea-Olinda High School, was named an Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor. He refurbished the backstops and benches and constructed new playground benches at Mariposa Elementary School, which he attended, as part of his Eagle Scout project.


Tom Moore, a staff member at Troy High School in Fullerton since the school opened 25 years ago, has been named 1989-90 Teacher of the Year by the Fullerton Union High School District.

Moore, a Fullerton resident, began as a journalism teacher and also taught speech. He developed the school’s first debate team and is also credited with naming the school’s newspaper, the Oracle.

Moore, now the school’s drama teacher, has involved students with multiple handicaps in school activities.


A catered party attended by 40 family members was held to honor La Habra Heights resident Gertrude Elias Lueschen on her 100th birthday.

She is the mother of a son and daughter and has four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and nine great-great-grandchildren. All were at the party.

Born in Columbus, Neb., the Eastern Star member still lives in the house that she and her late husband, Dr. Alvin G. Lueschen, built in 1945.


Anaheim resident Robert J. Fecarotta, a civil engineering student at UC Irvine, was awarded a $1,500 fellowship from Willdan Associates, an Anaheim engineering and planning firm.

Tracy Katzin, 10, a student at Golden Hill Elementary School in Fullerton, who last month saved a 5-year-old from drowning in a city pool, will be honored by the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees on Tuesday.

On Sept. 29, a special assembly will be held at Golden Hill to honor Tracy and her family and to award her a $500 savings bond that will be presented by the Westec Security Co.

Irvine resident Thomas U. Wall has been named Civic Leader of the Year by the Irvine Educational Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed to raise funds for the Irvine Unified School District. Wall, incoming president of the Irvine Chamber of Commerce, was cited for his work with schools and the community. He will be honored Nov. 13 at a dinner and roast.

For the second consecutive year, the Lariat, the weekly student newspaper at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, received an All-American rating from the Associated College Press Assn.

The marks of distinction included coverage and content, writing and editing, design, opinion content and photography and graphics.


Editors during the award-winning year were Chris Doucly, a Capistrano Valley High School graduate, and Mike Sweeney of Northern California.

Submit items to Three Cheers, The Times, c/o Herbert J. Vida, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, Calif. , 92626 .
