
Revolt Against Galanter

I am concerned that some of those who read the story on me (“Some of Galanter’s Former Allies Plot Her Overthrow,” Metro, Sept. 6) might have been blinded to some of the facts by the wildly overstated headline and the complaints of a few constituents. I appreciate this opportunity to clarify several points and to correct some omissions.

The article covered part of my district; however for reasons unclear, it overlooked my constituents in Crenshaw, Baldwin Hills and Leimert Park.

Although it is never pleasant to hear one’s work criticized, it comes with the job. However along with the criticism, comes an opportunity to solve problems and help people, and that is why being a City Council member is a job worth doing.


While I obviously have not made the two quoted individuals happy, I have tried to open up the city political process even to those who disagree with me. I have established four citizen advisory panels which review all development proposals in the district, a 40-member community advisory committee to review non-development issues, a summer employment program that worked with the private sector to provide jobs and transportation for 60 minority high school students, and a senior citizens advisory committee to address issues of special concern to older members of the community.

I have also been able to boost the city’s water conservation and recycling efforts, increase economic growth in Crenshaw and hold some developers’ feet to the fire to keep their projects more manageable and more responsive to the surrounding communities. Along the way to controlling development we have convinced developers to provide additional parking and more affordable housing.

Yes, I am frustrated that progress on the critical issues facing this city is so slow, but overall, I’m pleased with results of my first two years in office.




Sixth District, Los Angeles
