
Pickup Hits Woman; Doctors Deliver Baby

A Canoga Park woman and her newborn son were in a hospital intensive care unit Friday after she was struck by a pickup truck while crossing a street, forcing doctors to deliver the child by Cesarean section, authorities said.

Maria Gutierrez, 21, was in serious condition at Northridge Hospital Medical Center while her newborn son was in critical but stable condition, hospital officials said.

Gutierrez’s 18-month-old son, Adon, was under observation at Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles for minor cuts and bruises.


Gutierrez, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant, was carrying Adon across Canoga Avenue near Ingomar Street when they were struck at 5:20 p.m. Thursday, police said.

The woman was not crossing at an intersection or crosswalk when a southbound pickup driven by a 29-year-old Canoga Park man struck her. The driver was not cited in the accident. Police declined to release his name.
