
Deukmejian Signs Conservancy Bill

Gov. George Deukmejian signed legislation Friday extending the life of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, a state agency that buys land for public parks in the Santa Monicas and other mountains surrounding the San Fernando Valley.

The conservancy was scheduled to go out of business in July, 1990. But under the bill, authored by state Sen. Herschel Rosenthal (D-Los Angeles), the agency will continue operating until 1995.

Since it was established in 1979, the conservancy has acquired 10,000 acres of parkland. Last year, voters approved Proposition 70, a parks and wildlife bond issue, which set aside $30 million of its $776 million for the conservancy.


The conservancy is buying the last 575 acres of undeveloped property in the old Malibu Rancho in Malibu Canyon, said Joseph T. Edmiston, the agency’s executive director. The property is valued at $5 million to $6 million.
