
Police Role in Shooting of Girl

I read with great interest the story of Jody Olmos and her infant daughter, and the attempted abduction of them at gunpoint by a convicted felon. Unfortunately, little Michelle was injured as the police tried to capture the gunman and prevent him from driving away with his victims.

An officer following the man fired at him to prevent either murder or a kidnapping. The man was apprehended. Mother and child were safe, although the child was wounded. Instead of thanking the officer profusely for saving their lives, the Olmoses have criticized the officer who wounded their daughter.

I can’t believe it! No mention of thanks for the officer who saved both mother and daughter from an uncertain fate, only criticism because the child was wounded. Sadly, this happens too often. We call on our police every day to help us in a hundred different ways. In those situations where shots are fired, and someone is hurt or killed, there is invariably anger and hostility directed at the police by relatives or bystanders. The police are blamed, rather than praised for their actions--somehow it becomes their fault that things went wrong.


I would like to say to the officer involved in this shooting: “Thank you for possibly saving the lives of an innocent mother and child. Thank you, and please know that there are many of us who are grateful to you and your fellow officers for your courage and your willingness to put your lives on the line every single day.”


