
Spending Tax Money on County’s Schools

The Letters section on Sept. 17 carried a letter from Cindy Suman titled “A Tax Increase for Orange County’s Schools” that I would like to respond to.

I suggest “outstanding instruction” should be in place with no-cut, no-trade, no-fire positions with salaries of $27,000 to $57,000 for classroom teachers. Students are allowed to graduate with the functionally illiterate label without protest from the educational community.

The high-powered teachers’ unions have done a great job to channel up to 90% of school funds into salaries and fringe costs without accepting any responsibility for the product, the students’ achievements. Every failure reported by the teacher’s associations or other studies requires only more money to solve.


Top-heavy, non-teaching personnel may be a part of the lack of resources to the classroom, however, you will never see the California Teachers Assn. or the local teachers unions accepting any of the responsibility for the dropout rates or failures of educational content.

No. They won’t even suggest the family has a large responsibility in the failure of education. The unions are too busy lobbying for more money, a majority of which ends up in their pockets. That’s a union “fox” dressed in a sheep’s educational clothing and most of the public buys it. Shame on a gullible public.


Fountain Valley
