
Seymour’s Decision to Turn Pro-Choice

The Times has reported that state Sen. John Seymour is “taking a new look at the abortion issue” and that he has, “after soul-searching,” done a complete turnaround on that issue. It is just like Seymour to equivocate on issues because it is politically expedient. He did it while on the Anaheim City Council and now he does it as a state senator.

His magical turnaround reminds me of the crystal-clear promises he made to the Mexican-American community while an Anaheim councilman. He promised that a blue-ribbon committee would investigate the “Little People’s Park” incident and, when it came time to fess up to his promise, Seymour equivocated.

Seymour is an expert in straddling any two-sided issue and coming up on both sides. No question about it, Seymour is the best person to be a running mate to (U.S. Sen.) Pete Wilson, who is a master of doing the same thing.



