
Unocal Charged in 2 Gas Leaks

Los Angeles City Atty. James K. Hahn has filed criminal charges against Unocal Corp., alleging that two releases of foul-smelling hydrogen sulfide gas from its Wilmington refinery sickened elementary school students and teachers at three nearby schools.

Unocal spokesman Barry Lane said the oil company would have no comment until its lawyers reviewed the case.

The charges are the second against Unocal in the last year and a half. In May, 1988, Unocal was charged with releasing pollutants into the air from a refinery smokestack.


The current charges involve releases on Feb. 7 and April 13 of hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans, which are volatile organic sulfur compounds in the same chemical family as skunk oil.

Unocal is charged with two counts of illegally discharging air contaminants dangerous to the public health and one count of negligently violating the law. The air pollution counts carry a maximum fine of $1,000 each; the negligence charge has a maximum penalty of $10,000.
