
Channel 39 Will Split Newscast in an Effort to Leave Last Place

KNSD-TV (Channel 39) will split its hourlong 5 p.m. newscast into two half-hour shows, separated by the half-hour NBC network news broadcast featuring Tom Brokaw at 5:30 p.m., beginning Oct. 16.

Executives at Channel 39, which is mired in last place in the local news race, hope the move will expose more viewers to their newscasts. The station will be offering the only local news at 6 p.m., in addition to the only network news at 5:30.

Both KFMB-TV (Channel 8) and KGTV (Channel 10) have half-hour newscasts at 6:30 p.m. to complement their hourlong news shows that begin at 5.


“It’s a way to counter-program,” said Channel 39 General Manager Neil Derrough. “We have to do something to make this better. We can’t stay with a pat hand.”

Current Channel 39 anchors Denise Yamada and Marty Levin will host both half-hour segments, which will be structured in a traditional news-sports-weather format. For major stories, the reporters will usually supply updated reports for the 6 p.m. newscast, according to News Director Don Shafer, although several stories from the 5 p.m. program will probably be repeated at 6 p.m.

“We can supply more timely news,” Shafer said. “It gives an opportunity to provide a lot of hard news and a lot of detail.”


Using the argument that spawned the other stations’ 6:30 p.m. news programs, Channel 39 officials hope the switch will provide news for the people who don’t arrive home from work until 6 p.m.

In the last ratings period, the 5 p.m. Channel 39 newscast posted a dismal 4 rating in both the Arbitron and Nielsen ratings books. It has been more competitive at 11 p.m., but still ranks behind the other two network affiliates.

The change is “driven by a need to be competitive,” Shafer said.
