
History Blinks at Myopic Vision of the Universe

Re: “D.C. Abuzz Over Theory That the End Is Near,” Sept. 21 by Bob Sipchen.

From what planet and time does Francis Fukuyama conclude that Western liberalism is the “end of history”? It certainly can’t be Planet Earth, 1989.

Would somebody please send Fukuyama a copy of “Drug Orphans,” the article that appeared on the same day in the View section as the article describing his views and their trendy impact. Hopefully, he might learn that our so-called victorious Western liberal democracy is now witnessing, among other horrors, the birth of 375,000 drug-addicted babies annually, with the rate expected to double each year.

I fear for us all if indeed there has been an “exhaustion of viable systematic alternatives.” Indeed, I find it frightening that a man with such a myopic view of our situation should be a policy planner at the State Department.


HELEN MOORE, Los Angeles
