
Ex-CBS Executive Norman Adler Dies

Norman A. Adler of La Jolla, a former Justice Department antitrust attorney and senior executive at CBS, died Saturday at Mission Bay Hospital after a long illness. He was 80.

Adler was managing editor of the Yale Law Journal from 1932-33 after receiving his law degree from Yale University. From 1938 to 1945, he was special assistant to the U.S. attorney general in the antitrust division.

In 1951, Adler joined Columbia Records, where he started the Columbia Record Club, the first major mail-order record venture. In 1960, he became Columbia’s executive vice president. Adler became CBS, general executive vice president in 1967.


Survivors include his wife, Leona; daughter Louise Adler Burton of Albany, Calif.,; son Jonathan R. Adler of Los Angeles; brother Walter S. Adler of New York City and two grandchildren.

A private memorial service will be held 11 a.m. Friday at Leona Adler’s home.
