
More Medfly Spraying

Today I learned that my area is to be sprayed 12 to 16 more times with malathion. I have two small children under the age of 3, so I’m worried. But then I read several comforting letters (Dec. 8) and pronouncements from state officials claiming that malathion is perfectly safe. What’s wrong with those letters? They’re all from people in the pesticide business.

Excuse me, but these are our yards, houses, and playgrounds you are spraying. If all you pesticide lovers want to spray your own property from swooping helicopters in the middle of the night, be my guest. But I don’t see you spraying the governor’s mansion or any of the places where you live. Only poorer areas, where the politicians are hiding under the beds.

I’m getting ready to move to Czechoslovakia or East Germany, where apparently people have some rights.



Los Angeles
