
Salvadoran Witness

Once again the U.S. government strikes in the case of the assassination of the six Jesuit leaders in El Salvador. Jefferson Morley’s description (Opinion, Dec. 17, “When the Witness is Under Attack”) of the interrogation of the only eyewitness to these slayings outrages me, and should have a similar effect on any American citizen who values individual freedom above the militaristic needs of the F.B.I., which assisted in the interrogation of Luisa Cerna, and the State Department and Administration, which back them.

One wonders what the true motives of the Administration are in this case, and what its overall policy is in El Salvador. When are we, the American people, going to stand up to the militarists.

I commend The Times editorial staff for publishing this commentary. I only wish the truth of U.S. covert activity appeared on the front pages every day. Perhaps the sleeping citizenry would awaken and do something.



