
LA HABRA : Church Could Lose Day-Care Center OK

The city Planning Commission tonight may withdraw permission for the Lutheran Church of the Master to operate a child-care program on its property at 1601 W. La Habra Blvd.

A public hearing has been scheduled for 7 p.m. to allow those affected to be heard. Four homeowners have submitted letters to the city objecting to the continued operation of the day-care center.

“The noise is very bad when the children are out playing,” wrote neighbor Mary Rickerd. “We had quite a problem with the children throwing rocks onto our roof and our patio and even at me when I asked them to quit. This has been very stressful.”


Esther M. Ehrlich wrote that the children throw most anything into her swimming pool.

“Children throw refuse, food, play equipment . . . and rocks! In one day I retrieved 20 good-sized rocks from the pool and surrounding deck area.”

The church failed to comply with the requirement that a six-foot high block wall be constructed along the eastern and northern property lines.

A fence has been erected and the church is asking the commission to accept it in place of a wall, the cost of which “would be prohibitive,” argued Stephen L. Brandt, pastor of the church.


“We feel the current fencing that was just purchased at a cost of $6,000 to the Lutheran Church of the Master and the additional weaving added to the fence at a cost of $900 should be adequate,” he wrote.

A report prepared by city planner Carlos Jaramillo notes that the requirement for a block wall is part of the zoning code and not subject to the discretion of the Planning Commission.

A legal hardship must be found before such a variance can be granted, and no such hardship has been found, the report concludes.
