
New Year’s Birth

Regarding Jim Carlton’s article, “Pastor Lashes Out at Media” (Jan. 5), I was very disappointed in Pastor Ralph Wilkerson’s and Dr. Charles Wesley Turner Jr.’s failure to recognize the legitimate grievances expressed by the media concerning their actions.

It’s bad enough to make a public media and congregational spectacle out of one of God’s greatest miracles--the birth of a baby. But to threaten the health of the child, and then deny the planning or the threat, is inexcusable.

To blatantly deny that it was so planned many months ago, as the quotations The Times’ articles clearly indicate, shows a very serious failing. Wilkerson is quoted as saying, “There was absolutely no danger to the baby, and I don’t care what anybody says.” Does Wilkerson really believe that his position as a pastor also makes him a medical expert?



Laguna Niguel
