
Times’ Annual Home Building Questionnaires Are in the Mail

Questionnaires for the 19th annual survey of Southern California residential construction, conducted by The Times Real Estate section, are in the mail to home building companies in seven Southland counties.

Participants in previous surveys should receive the material this week.

Other firms wishing to take part in the voluntary survey may obtain forms by writing to the section or by calling (213) 237-7349.

The deadline for returning the single-page questionnaire is Feb. 5.

The survey gathers information concerning 1989 sales and construction of homes, condominiums and apartments and inventory and projections of construction and sales for this year. It also seeks information on manufactured-housing units, mobile homes and uses of solar energy.


The survey area includes Los Angles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Kern and Ventura counties.
