
On Monday, the nation will observe the...

On Monday, the nation will observe the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., who was cut down by assassin James Earl Ray in 1968.

To mark the occasion, PBS presents “Martin,” a classical ballet and tribute to the slain civil rights leader composed and directed by Gordon Parks.

The hourlong production airs Monday (10 p.m. on Channel 28 and 11 p.m. on Channel 15), Wednesday (10 p.m., Channel 50) and Thursday (8 p.m., Channel 24). It portrays important moments in King’s life, including the Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott, the march in Selma and his time in a Birmingham jail, through choreography by Rael Lamb.


An introductory documentary, featuring Parks’ photographs from that turbulent era, serves as a prologue to the ballet.

John Jones dances the role of King, with Sheila Rohan as Rosa Parks and James Edward Murphy as the assassin.
