
Question of Credibility for Pastor Facing Retrial

Re: “Pastor Accused of Sex Charges Nearing Retrial” (Times, Jan. 7). Reading the article about the majority of the two (hung) juries in favor of conviction, it would seem to indicate the credibility of Mr. Rickard’s guilt.

I can appreciate his concern over his loss of face and reputation, but since there seems to be a general acceptance of homosexuality these days, it would appear as nothing of which to hide or be ashamed.

Mr. Rickard speaks of losing everything he’s worked for--but what about his parents losing everything they’ve worked for in paying his legal fees?


I don’t believe the victim or his parents would lie about the matter, but I’m wondering at their seeming naivete in condoning their 15-year-old son’s leaving home in the first place.

Working in a church and quoting from the Bible does not guarantee a thing.


South Pasadena
