
Woman Who Skipped Bail Is Rearrested

An Encino woman who skipped bail on a drug charge and then taunted police with telephone calls and notes--including one that read “Nya, Nya, Nya!”--has been arrested in Hollywood.

Deborah Ulrich, 42, was taken into custody as she left her son’s apartment Thursday after eluding authorities for more than two years, Los Angeles police said.

Ulrich was arrested in June, 1987, by police, who said they found $85,000 worth of cocaine in her possession. She disappeared after posting $50,000 bail.


But she kept in touch.

A handwritten note from Colorado, included the taunt: “Nya, Nya, Nya!”

Another letter to police began: “Hi, Dingbats. Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man.”

After her arrest, Ulrich allegedly told detectives that she would make bail again and leave the country. Told of the comments, a judge set Ulrich’s bail at $1 million.
