
Youth Kills Neighbor in Accidental Shooting

A15-year-old Pacoima boy accidentally shot a neighbor to death while looking at a pistol the boy thought was unloaded, Los Angeles police said Tuesday.

Brian K. Anderson, 22, was killed about 6:45 p.m. Monday in a home in the 11100 block of DeHaven Avenue, Detective Pamela Humphrey said.

There were several people in the home when the teen-ager, whose name was not released, picked up a 9-millimeter semi-automatic pistol and pulled the trigger while looking at it, Humphrey said. The shot struck Anderson, who was visiting from a nearby home, in the head. The boy had not been aiming the weapon at the victim when it fired, Humphrey said.


No one else was injured.

Humphrey said the teen-ager was not arrested and the shooting was considered an accident.
