
Jan Stephenson Hurt in Mugging : Golf: She may miss two months of LPGA Tour after suffering fractures of ring finger of left hand.

From Associated Press

Pro golfer Jan Stephenson returned to Phoenix today to consult hand surgeons after suffering two fractures in the ring finger of her left hand when she was mugged and robbed Tuesday night in Miami.

Stephenson, who resides in nearby Paradise Valley, said she likely will undergo surgery sometime this week and may miss at least two months of the LPGA Tour.

She and her husband were guests of Phoenix Suns owner Jerry Colangelo at Tuesday night’s NBA game.


As she got out of her car in the Miami Arena parking lot before the game, Stephenson said an unarmed youth ripped a $1,000 Rolex watch off her arm, then tried to rip her purse away and take her wedding ring.

The purse strap got caught on her left finger and “he twisted my finger so hard trying to get the ring off that the bones just splintered,” Stephenson told The Phoenix Gazette.

The youth fled. Miami police took a youth into custody a short time later in the parking lot.


“There were security people not 40 feet away,” said Stephenson, who added that the mugging happened so fast her husband was unable to help.

Although a suspected mugger was in custody, Stephenson said she was unable to recover her watch, money taken from her wallet, the wedding ring or a sapphire pendant she received for winning a tournament in Japan.

X-rays by Miami Heat medical personnel revealed the double fracture in her ring finger.

She said she has been told it probably will require pins and screws to return normal use to the finger “and that’s an important finger in my golf grip.”
