
Compton : New Firm Hires Laid-Off City Staff, Resumes Tapings

Compton residents can continue viewing weekly City Council meetings on cable television now that the council has voted to contract with its former video production employees.

Three weeks ago, in the face of continuing budget problems, the council eliminated the Community Communications Network and Public Affairs Department, adding at least six more city employees to the approximately 85 laid off last summer.

However, Charles Thrower, who directed the city-owned network, formed a private production company that he calls Thrower Video Enterprises and proposed that the city hire his firm to videotape the council meetings, which are broadcast on Channel 36 on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Thrower has hired three laid-off network employees, and will use city equipment for the tapings. The cost to the city is $45,500 for the rest of the fiscal year ending June 30.
