

“The Plugged-In Archbishop,” by Paul Ciotti (Dec. 17), was a troubling portrayal of an ambitious and dangerous Catholic politician. The reader is convinced that Roger Mahony aims for a fast rise to cardinal and beyond. If he were not a clergyman, I have no doubt, Mahony would be a fast-rising elected official, or at the very least an extremely wealthy businessman who would give Donald Trump and Malcolm Forbes headline competition.

The freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment protects Mahony’s right to try to convince his flock that abortion is evil. When he sent a letter to state legislators that declared “all Catholic officeholders have a positive moral obligation to work for the repeal of pro-choice legislation. . . . There is no such thing as a Catholic pro-choice public official,” Mahony overstepped his authority.

If Mahony were “plugged in” to reality, I believe, he could eventually achieve consummate blessedness. Instead of threatening politicians and consorting with Operation Rescuers, he could use his energy and his brilliance to persuade the hierarchy in his own church to teach the morality of wanted, healthy, planned-for children by two loving, wedded parents who understand the necessity of safe contraception and the long-term obligation to child-rearing.


The Catholic Church could take credit for the sharp downward curve in abortion statistics. Archbishop Mahony could become Saint Roger.

CLARA LINK, Pasadena
