
PLACENTIA : Curbside Recycling Program Given OK

The city has approved a curbside recycling program that will start this summer. Monthly garbage collection rates will increase from $7.53 to $9.99 to finance the $2.6-million program.

The new rates will take effect July 1, with the recycling program scheduled to begin shortly after that.

Placentia residents will receive two 110-gallon trash containers, one for recyclable materials and the other for non-recyclables. Recyclables will be deposited in the green container and picked up twice a month. Non-recyclables in the black can will be picked up weekly.


The recycling program, approved 4 to 1 by the City Council this week after seven months of review, was adopted in response to a recent state requirement that cities reduce garbage output by 25% before 1995 or risk fines of up to $10,000 a day.

“This is not something we’ve arrived at lightly, “ said Councilwoman Barbara Downey. “A lot of serious thought went into finding a plan that would be best for citizens.”

However, Placentia resident Betty Mead told the City Council that the recycling program is unfair because households would no longer be able to haul their own trash to landfills instead of paying the monthly garbage fee.


“People should not be forced to participate against their will,” Mead said.
