
Seismic Studies Identify 100 Vulnerable Buildings

Seismic safety studies for 100 masonry buildings built in Santa Monica before 1933 indicate that none of them would be likely to survive a strong earthquake.

“This is what we we have been telling people for the past 20 years,” said city Building and Safety Officer William Rome.

“We hope the test results will have the effect of convincing owners that their buildings need to be reinforced.”


The owners of 160 brick buildings were required by the city to submit seismic studies by the end of January. Only 100 complied, although 40 owners whose buildings were expected to fail to meet the state minimum safety standard filed plans to rehabilitate their buildings.

Fifteen owners were granted extensions. Five owners have yet to respond, said Rome.

The city Building and Safety Commission is expected to meet in March to set a deadline for all buildings to be reinforced to meet safety standards.
