
Serra Relics

When the Roman church was at a low-point in her journey, John Tetzel, a Dominican friar, hawked indulgences. As a Franciscan friar I feel sad that one of our own seems to be employing similar methods with the poor bones of Father Junipero Serra (“Serra Relics Offered to Public,” Religion, Feb. 17).

Francis of Assisi is well-known for being a peacemaker among the brothers and sisters of his day. Being a brother in the same fraternity as Father Noel Moholy, I support his championing the cause of good people like Junipero Serra. However I have to part company with him when it comes to the mercenary disbursement of Serra’s mortal remains.

Rather than preoccupation with the bones of this good man, now is the time for us to be concerned with the broken bodies of so many fallen in El Salvador. We can find saints enough there who speak a contemporary lesson about human dignity and liberation. I believe that Serra would also concur.



Los Angeles
