
New Plum Tree

Ken Adair of the L. E. Cooke Co., a wholesale nursery in Visalia, Calif., tells us about an interesting new plum tree for Southern California yards.

Called Golden Nectar, it produces huge fruit with gold-colored skin and amber flesh.

According to Adair, it has exceptional eating and drying qualities.

The tree should produce well in the mild climate of the Southland, because it has a low chilling requirement, he said.

The oblong-pointed fruit ripens in late July. Adair said that unlike most plums, this one has no tart taste next to the skin; it is exceptionally sweet.


The flavor is that of a delicious fresh prune.

Golden Nectar plum trees should be available in good supply in many Southland nurseries. The trees are available in both semi-dwarf and standard sizes and are self-fruitful, that is they don’t require another plum tree planted nearby for proper pollination.
