
Traveling in Style Today

As a travel bonus today, The Times presents the spring issue of Traveling in Style magazine, with articles by Garrison Keillor, Michael Jackson, Sylvia Porter, Patricia Wells, Paul Prudhomme, Barnaby Conrad, Shirley Slater and Charles F. Ehret. In addition, Times Travel Editor Jerry Hulse introduces readers to a “palace where service is king;” Times columnist Al Martinez goes on a search for his roots and Times staff writer Paul Dean steers a Rolls-Royce across Britain. Don’t miss this biannual issue of Traveling in Style.

As a travel bonus today, The Times presents the spring issue of Traveling in Style magazine, with articles by Garrison Keillor, Michael Jackson, Sylvia Porter, Patricia Wells, Paul Prudhomme, Barnaby Conrad, Shirley Slater and Charles F. Ehret.

In addition, Times Travel Editor Jerry Hulse takes readers to a “palace where service is king;” Times columnist Al Martinez searches for his roots and Times staff writer Paul Dean steers a Rolls-Royce across Britain.
