
Store to Reimburse City for Depeche Mode Ruckus

Wherehouse Entertainment Inc. agreed Thursday to reimburse the city for the estimated $20,000 to $25,000 cost of quelling a disturbance that erupted this week when thousands of hysterical fans attempted to see the British band Depeche Mode at a Westside Wherehouse record store.

More than 130 police in full riot gear were required to disperse at least 5,000 fans who gathered at the store where members of the group were signing records Tuesday. Seven people were hurt in the ruckus that occurred when excited youths tried to crowd into the store, located at 100 N. La Cienega Blvd., to see the band.

Scott Young, president of Wherehouse Entertainment, said record store officials--who have staged hundreds of similar events in the past--were shocked at the high attendence at the event and promised to work with city officials to prevent similar problems in the future.
