
STANTON : 1st OK Given to Law to Curb Garage Sales

Just in time for what is considered high season for garage sales, the City Council has introduced a tough ordinance to restrict front-yard displays of furniture, appliances and other goods.

The council has given preliminary approval to an ordinance that would restrict how many sales residents can hold, the hours of such sales and the kind of merchandise that can be sold. The law also will require residents who plan to hold a garage sale to file an application and pay of fee of less than $5 to the city.

If the ordinance is approved, violators could face a $500 fine or six months in jail, or both.


The ordinance, introduced last week, was prompted by residents’ complaints that their neighborhoods are being hurt by the traffic and parking problems associated with almost daily garage sales during the summer.

“The problem we were experiencing was that people had been selling new merchandise out of their homes,” said Bonnie Kirk, the city’s community development manager. “People were buying merchandise at the swap meet and holding garage sales in their homes every weekend.”

The ordinance will limit each household to no more than four garage sales a year, to be held between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., for a maximum of three days.


Only personal items judged “obsolete in their use” may be sold, Kirk said.

First-time offenders will be issued a warning, but a repeat violation of the ordinance could result in a citation. After a third citation, misdemeanor charges may be filed with the city attorney, which could result in jail time, Kirk said. However, imprisonment would result only “if someone were totally, blatantly ignoring” the law, she added.

Churches, schools and charitable organizations will be exempt from the new restrictions, Kirk said. The ordinance is expected to gain final approval April 10 and take effect May 10.
