
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Police Target Drivers on Brookhurst St.

Drivers on Brookhurst Street beware!

Police today will begin a monthlong crackdown of even the most minor traffic violations on a three-mile section of the street between Adams and Warner avenues.

The program, called CASE, Critical Accident Suppression and Enforcement, is targeting a stretch of road where the number of collisions has increased sharply.

“The focus of this effort is not to issue citations, though many times that will be the result of being stopped. . . . The purpose is to reduce the accident rate and remove unsafe drivers from the roadway,” Police Sgt. Keith R. Levin said.


Violations, such as right of way, speed, and following too closely will be targeted heavily, Levin said.

Signs reading “Traffic Enforcement Ahead” will be posted along the street to warn drivers that officers are working in the area.

Fountain Valley police, who will be working with Huntington Beach police, plan to move to a different roadway at the end of the month.
