
Governor Answered Oakland Mayor’s Complaint About Rothenberg Parole

From Associated Press

Gov. George Deukmejian says that he listened to Oakland Mayor Lionel Wilson’s telephoned complaint about Charles Rothenberg being paroled there, but that if he had had his way there would have been no parole at all.

Rothenberg is the man who was released from prison in January after serving 6 1/2 years for the arson attack on his son, David. The son, now 13 and severely disfigured, lives with his mother in Orange County and says he does not want to see his father again.

Deukmejian issued a statement Monday saying he told Wilson that Rothenberg had to be paroled far away from his son and that he is under 24-hour supervision and electronic surveillance.


He said he also told Wilson that it is precisely because of the threat to public safety that convicted felons like Rothenberg represent that his Administration has worked to add 14 new prisons to the state system.
