
Parental Presence

I was pleased to read state Sen. Ed Davis’ recent opinion piece, “A Parental Presence Prevents Delinquency.” As a mother of two preschoolers, I am in full agreement with Sen. Davis’ position.

I have seen too many people sacrifice the lives of their children to gain some small material advantage. I am continually in wonder as to why people have children if they choose to not raise them themselves.

For the past two years, I have worked as a juvenile diversion counselor for a private, nonprofit, community-based agency in Orange County. A majority of the cases of troubled youths that I saw involved families where no one was home. Sen. Davis’ proposal for funding for a family where one parent stays at home to raise the children is just common sense.


My husband and I have always lived on one income. There are certain material possessions that we do not have and may never have. We have chosen what is more important. Oh, that more parents would make that choice, for the sake of us all.


