
Fun, Sun and Buns : Laid-Back Students Enjoy Spring Break at Beaches


For the guys, the proper beach fashions are loose-fitting shorts and for the gals--well, less seems to be best. And the the bodies should be lean and tan.

At least that’s the consensus of students on spring break who were taking in the mild weather in Pacific Beach on Monday.

Avowed sun-worshiper, Breneth Badway of Pacific Beach found scenery just “fine.” She was not alone.


“Fun, sun and buns,” were what brought the group out, said Lisa Evans, one of Badway’s friends on break from Mesa College. And James, one of the guys in the group and a student at San Diego State University, said all he wanted from his spring break was: “More girls, less talk, more action . . . girls in G-strings.”

The group had plenty of people to watch. About 50,000 people took to the city’s beaches Monday, according to lifeguard Troy Keach.

The weekend crowds reached about 100,000 Sunday, but the people were as mild as the breeze, with San Diego beach patrol officers reporting a “quiet weekend.”


San Diego Police Officer Mark McCullough said, “There was nothing out of the ordinary. Just a couple of drunk and disorderlies and a few bottle violations on the beach.”

Bottles on the beaches are not allowed, but canned beer is, and, along with the sound of surf, was the inevitable question: “Wanna beer, dude?”

The department’s beach patrol unit has been doubled for the week, from six officers to 12, McCullough said, as students from San Diego State, the University of San Diego, and other local schools take to the water.


But the extra officers haven’t put a damper on the students’ spirits, according to one Pacific Beach resident who spent the weekend on the beach and at local clubs with friends from Northern California and Riverside.

Melissa De Luca, 21, of Pacific Beach said the crowds were “outta control . . . drinking and dancing on the tables.”

De Luca, a student at SDSU, said the weekend brought the chance to meet guys from out of the area, including Marines on leave from South Carolina and Boston.

“They just loved California. . . . They were just so polite and so much fun,” De Luca said. “They took us to breakfast.”

But teen-age revelers heading for Tijuana did not have much fun, especially the roughly 800 of them who were turned back at the border during the weekend by police checking identifications, said Bill Robinson a spokesman for the San Diego Police Department.

About 23,000 pedestrians made it through the gates, and there were only 13 arrests, Robinson said.


Nine of those were for “public drunkenness,” Robinson said, adding that three arrests were of juveniles violating curfew and one was of someone who was interfering “with a police officer in performance of his duty.”

Weather for the rest of the week promises to be fair, but there will be low clouds early today and increasing late tonight at the beaches, according to the National Weather service.

High coastal temperatures will be from 63 and 68 today and Wednesday, water temperature will be about 61 degrees, and the surf will be about 3 to 4 feet at 12-second intervals, forecasters said.

Inland it will be fair, with highs from 78 to 82 degrees and lows from 45 to 53. In the mountains, the skies will be clear and high temperatures will be from 63 to 70, lows from 35 to 45. Desert temperatures will be from 85 to 93 and lows from 50 to 60.
