
DANA POINT : Tax Revenue Trails Other Coastal Cities’

Even though it has a higher average family income than such cities as Santa Barbara and Carmel, Dana Point generates lower revenue per capita for city coffers, according to a report presented Tuesday to the City Council.

The report concluded that sales-tax revenues in Dana Point, projected to be nearly 17% of the 1990 city budget, are “dramatically below” the levels of comparable California cities. Part of the reason for the low sales-tax revenues was the low number of retail establishments, compared to other coastal cities, the report said.

The report, compiled over the last eight months by a City Council-appointed economic development committee, attempted to provide an economic profile of the city, City Councilman Michael Eggers said.


“The idea was to show where the city is today, demographically and economically, and where it is going,” he said.

Projections for 1990 show Dana Point with a per capita revenue of $332, compared to more than $1,000 in coastal areas such as Monterey, Carmel, Newport Beach, San Francisco and Laguna Beach.

Other research in the report indicated that Dana Point had the lowest unemployment and the highest number of vehicles per household of the 14 communities surveyed.
