
Orange County Residents Asked to Conserve

In response to drought warnings from state water officials, the Orange County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution urging residents to voluntarily cut water consumption by at least 10%.

The resolution urges water suppliers to push conservation proposals and asks restaurants to post notices telling patrons that water will be served only to those who ask for it.

Although the county does not have authority to enact mandatory water restrictions, Tuesday’s resolution is accompanied by a list of 10 water-saving hints. Among other things, residents are asked to avoid watering during hot parts of the day, to install pool covers and to avoid hosing down driveways and sidewalks.


Tuesday’s vote came in response to a meeting last week at which water-conservation officials appeared before the board and asked the county to take some action.

The state is in the fourth year of a drought, and even though Orange County sits on a large underground lake that helps buffer it from shortages, officials of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California urged the county to join in the state’s efforts to curtail usage.
