
NAMES IN THE NEWS : Ivana Tries to Trump Donald

From Times Wire Services

Ivana Trump’s lawyers are asking court permission to question Marla Maples and dozens of Donald Trump’s associates as they add another swirl to the Trump divorce potboiler.

Her lawyers are also asking Judge Phyllis Gangel-Jacob to force Trump to limit the documents he is demanding that his wife turn over in her lawsuit to invalidate the couple’s postnuptial agreements.

Among the items his lawyers have asked for are those relating to “any threats made or undue influence practiced” by Trump on his wife, all his wife’s personal diaries since 1976 and all “letters, memos, notes and greeting cards” from him to her.


Ivana Trump’s lawyers filed suit last month challenging Trump’s claim that she waived her right to half his estimated $5-billion fortune in a series of postnuptial agreements, the last signed in 1987.

She alleged in the court papers that Trump intimidated and “verbally assaulted” her and repeatedly cheated on her. She also charged that her attorney for the agreements was chosen by Trump’s lawyer at the time, the late Roy Cohn, and did not act in her best interests.

Trump’s attorneys say the agreement, which gives Ivana Trump $10 million and their $12-million mansion in Greenwich, Conn., is ironclad.


Ivana Trump’s spokesman, John Scanlon, said Tuesday that after she gives her deposition, Trump will have to give his, and that she will also ask court permission to question 40 other people--including Maples, the woman with whom Trump has been linked.
