
Kirkpatrick on the ANC

Yes, Jeane Kirkpatrick, no one is certain of the extent of ANC popularity and, yes, the ANC has many more similarities to the outlawed Palestine Liberation Organization than with Lech Walesa’s Solidarity.

Kirkpatrick once again has shown that her American WASP, defenders-of-democracy ideology is alive and well. For nearly a decade U.S. foreign policy has been created by insensitive Ivy League prima donnas, who are so far out of touch with the world that our presidents have no recourse but to adopt a “wait and see” approach to every political crisis that surfaces.

The ANC behind Nelson Mandela attempted to peacefully, then forcefully to eradicate its homeland of a political system that degrades, segregates and leaves little hope for millions of African men, women and children.


The issue of popular support is mute. The ANC was banned, its leaders jailed, its followers harassed and murdered, its ideology squashed. South Africa has a new populace that has been injected with propaganda designed to undermine the ANC political base but their tactics have failed. Kirkpatrick had not witnessed the millions of white and black South Africans who lined the streets, filled the stadiums to see and hear ANC leader Mandela. The United States has not seen such popularity since John Kennedy.

The ANC had embraced communism in its infancy largely due to the Soviets and other communist countries’ economic support.

The ANC has not and probably will not renounce the use of violence. I liken this to President Bush not denouncing his option to use force to oust his long-time friend Manuel Noriega.


America needs to wake up.


Los Angeles
