
FILLMORE : Sexual Harassment Suit Settled by City

City Clerk Noreen Withers has accepted $50,000 offered by Fillmore in settlement of her suit against the city and former City Manager Stan Greene.

Alleging repeated sexual harassment by Greene during 1988, Withers filed a suit in January, 1989. Greene left his position as city manager during a City Council investigation of the matter, but has denied any wrongdoing.

While Withers expressed satisfaction with the settlement, she said that money was not the issue. “I’m hoping that by hearing my story, other women in the same position will know that they should speak out and seek a remedy to sexual harassment on the job,” Withers said Wednesday.


In accepting a cash settlement, Withers did not retract any of her allegations against Greene.

City Atty. Joseph P.D. Kern declined to comment on whether Fillmore accepted financial responsibility for Greene’s legal fees or settlements against him when Greene left his post.

However, according to California Government Code, government employees may not be held liable for any damages arising from the course and scope of their employment unless there is proof of intentional wrongdoing.


Donald R. Austin, who has acted as Fillmore’s legal counsel in the case, said legal expenses were a factor in the settlement. According to Austin, the Joint Power Assn. of Ventura County cities, which insures its members against lawsuit, was involved in the decision to settle the case out of court.
