
IRVINE : Report on Raising Art Funds Accepted

The city’s Cultural Affairs Commission, formed in January to help create a cultural game plan for the city, took the first step Wednesday to spotlight possible sources of money for an ambitious new art-support program.

The five-member commission agreed to accept a report by Sacramento-based consultant Bill Moskin outlining a blend of public and private funding sources, and appointed a task force to investigate how to enact the proposals.

Speaking to the commission, Moskin recommended as a first step an increase in the city’s hotel bed tax. City officials are already discussing an increase of 1.5% that would raise about $230,000 annually for cultural support and another $460,000 for Chamber of Commerce efforts to promote tourism.


“It is the fastest way, and most visible way, to provide support to artists and arts organizations,” Moskin said.

Under the plan, Irvine would also mandate that 1% to 2% of municipal construction costs be used for sculptures and other large-scale art projects in public places. Private builders would earn developer credits for using public art in their projects or contributing funds to municipal arts facilities or programs.

A nonprofit support organization to pursue private and corporate funds would also be formed under the plan.


The proposals were distilled from a number of funding suggestions contained in a study done for the city last year. Moskin’s report was commissioned to “zero in on a couple of ideas that are not only applicable in Irvine, but acceptable in Irvine,” commission Chairwoman Peggy Mears said.

Mears expects the funding proposals to go before the City Council in July.
