
Nominees Vow to Clean Up Texas Contest

From Associated Press

Ann Richards, who won the Democratic nomination in a “mudslide,” and Republican Clayton W. Williams Jr., still stinging from criticism after a joke about rape, promised to stick to issues as they competed in the race for governor.

“Both Clayton Williams and I will work very hard to keep this an ideological campaign where we really do focus on the issues, because we do have disagreements on the issues,” Richards said after defeating state Atty. Gen. Jim Mattox in Tuesday’s down-and-dirty primary runoff.

Williams, who earlier voiced reluctance about running against a woman, said: “The rehash of the Democratic campaign is of no interest to me. Read my lips: No more mud.”


There was little discussion of issues in the runoff, in which Mattox alleged Richards, a recovering alcoholic, used illegal drugs, including cocaine, 10 years ago.

“The voters didn’t care about that issue as deeply as I do, or as deeply as I thought they did,” Mattox, who had called the runoff a referendum on the drug question, said Wednesday afternoon.

Richards said the issue of whether she has used illegal drugs “was put to rest” after her overwhelming runoff victory.


Richards, 56, now state treasurer, accused Mattox, 46, of profiting from public service and challenged him to release his income tax returns.

Richards handed Mattox his first major political defeat in 18 years, rolling up 639,126 votes, or 57%, to Mattox’s 479,384, or 43%, in unofficial returns.

Mattox said Wednesday that he was defeated because of a growing trend of women being elected to higher office regardless of their credentials.


Voters’ attention was taken off the runoff when Williams, a rancher and oilman in Midland, told reporters during his spring cattle roundup that bad weather was like rape--if it’s inevitable, “relax and enjoy it.”

Williams, 58, who has never run for political office, apologized for the comment, but Richards said it illustrated his inexperience in public life.

Mattox and his supporters say they will forget the runoff mudslinging and rally behind Richards.

“I want to send a sincere congratulations to Ann Richards,” Mattox said. “I will be ready to help her up and down the state against the common enemy, and the common enemy is Clayton Williams.”
