
Stifling Discussion

It is sad that the University of San Diego decided not to “embarrass” Bishop Maher by canceling an on-campus conference at which Lucy Killea was to appear. President Hughes said he acted “because (Ms. Killea’s appearance) would be viewed by the Catholic community as an affront to the bishop.” Nonsense.

It had nothing to do with embarrassing the bishop. He has, I am sure, been embarrassed before and doubtless will be again. Rather, it was an attempt to stifle discussion of abortion. I do not agree with Ms. Killea’s pro-choice stand. I have heard every argument ever made on both sides of the issue, and I believe abortion is murder. But I also believe it was a tactical error to make a public issue over Ms. Killea’s morals; the University has now compounded it.

I am part of the Catholic community and would not have been affronted by knowing that Ms. Killea appeared at a USD conference. In fact, the effectual barring of a state legislator from a college campus is much more upsetting. If college-age Catholics cannot be allowed to hear any comment Ms. Killea might choose to make on abortion, then USD is not doing a very good job educating them.


Ms. Killea’s opinions on other matters in the state are certainly worth hearing. She does, after all, help make the laws that govern our lives. Keeping her off campus does not hurt her, but rather those who would have appreciated hearing how she feels about the dozens of other issues which would undoubtedly have been discussed.


San Diego
