
U.S.-Japan Trade

Tom Clancy has been noted for his technical accuracy in his exciting novels. So it was with great disappointment that I noted his shallow article (Opinion, April 1) had no other apparent intent than to “bash” the U.S.-Japan relationship and all those who are trying to make it workable.

Clancy states, “We are the customer--what right does Japan have telling us what is wrong with America?” Does he not know of the negotiations of the Structural Impediments Initiative? The United States is telling Japan what is wrong with them, which by the way I support. Does Clancy expect Japan to say nothing?

Disparaging remarks are made in frustration and are called bashing. Bashing begets bashing back and Clancy is contributing to it. He is also reminding us of World War II in order to harbor a picture of Japan still as an enemy and not the important ally it is.



Rancho Palos Verdes
