
One Desperate Deed

I’m writing in support of Scott Mather, who apparently “borrowed” money that should have gone toward insurance payments rather than to him (“Insurer Admits He Defrauded County Shelters,” April 14).

I had the occasion to meet and briefly work with Mather last year during the filming of a documentary on the homeless situation in Orange County. Since that day, I’ve remembered his and his staff’s cooperation and generosity.

So, reading of him last week, I was initially shocked that he would do such a thing. But as I read on, I understood. He really must have been in a desperate situation to “borrow” monies. I wonder how many of us wouldn’t do the same thing if faced with something similar. I believe he had every intention to pay it back, as he has begun to do and continues to do.


All the good that Mather has done should not be undermined by an act done in desperation. Isn’t it enough that he will lose his insurance license? It’s a quirk of society that everyone is so ready to kick a man when he’s down. Rather, why not show compassion, just as he has shown for many, many homeless people over the years?


