
Rancho Bernardo Is Set to Name Coach

Poway High School chemistry teacher Chris Carter is expected to be named today as Rancho Bernardo High School’s first varsity basketball coach.

School officials would not disclose their coaching plans Monday night, but Carter, Poway’s junior varsity coach, is the only one of three coaching candidates from within the district who was transferred to the new high school, which opens this fall. There were 118 teachers who were approved last night for transfer by the Poway Unified School District’s board of trustees.

Included in that list are three current varsity coaches from within the district: Tony Goffredo, who led Mt. Carmel’s boys tennis team to the 3-A San Diego Section championship last year; Tom Martin, the Poway girls’ soccer coach whose team reached the section semifinals; and Jeff Ukrainetz, Mt. Carmel’s first-year swimming coach, whose boys and girls teams are both 5-1.
