
Times Circulation Climbs 9.5% to Record High of 1,225,189

The Los Angeles Times’ daily circulation for the three months ended March 31 rose 9.5% to an all-time high of 1,225,189, according to figures filed with the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nationwide agency that verifies circulation. Sunday circulation increased 5.6% to 1,514,096 in the period, also a record.

David Laventhol, publisher and chief executive of the Los Angeles Times, estimated that about half of the overall increase reflected former readers of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, which closed in November, 1989.

ABC figures are usually reported in six-month intervals. But in this case, the three-month figures may be a more accurate indicator; the six-month figures include the month of October, when the Herald Examiner was still publishing.


For the six months ended March 31, The Times’ daily circulation increased 8.2% to 1,210,077. Sunday circulation increased 5.7% to 1,504,540.

Circulation also increased in Orange County, up 8% daily to 179,981 and up 7.5% Sunday to 224,028. In the San Fernando Valley, circulation was up 9.4% daily to 220,475 and up 7.6% Sunday to 283,387. The figures for Orange County and the San Fernando Valley are for the six months ended March 31.

The Daily News, a competitor of the Los Angeles Times that primarily serves the San Fernando Valley, said it reported to ABC that its daily circulation climbed 14.5% to 202,384 for the six months ended March 31 and that its Sunday circulation rose 7.7% to 214,205.


The Orange County Register, which serves Orange County, has not yet released six month circulation figures, a spokesman said.
